Thursday, October 26, 2017

An infallible recipe for preserving children

I found this in an old cookbook and wanted to share.

1 large grassy field
1/2 dozen children
2or3 small or big dogs
A pinch of brook & some pebbles

Mix the children and the dogs together well and put them in the field, stirring constantly. Pour brook over the pebbles. Sprinkle this field with flowers.

Spread over all: a deep blue sky. Bake in the hot sun. When Brown, remove and set away to cool in a bathtub.

Alterations can be made, such as substituting woods for grassy field. A lake can be sprinkled in too.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Look on the bright side

When God hands you lemons,
Make lemonade.
When He gives you fire,
Pull out the kettle.

When God shoots you black rocks,
Build a fortress.
When He takes a life,
Trust he knows best.

When God brings you storm clouds,
Dance in the rain.
If He lets you fail,
Smile and try again.

When God  blows you blue winds,
Jump off and fly.
When He drops you toils,
He'll Cary you through.


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

A card

 Just a birthday card.